A Caring Husband


M. Jay Bennett said…
What happened? Was Tony getting his wife back for something? What was in the cooler?
Reepicheep said…
I have no idea who this person is or what this video is about.
GUNNY said…
Some serious Sgt. Schulz going on here.

I know nutzing!
Anonymous said…
Even though this post is over a month old, and makes zero sense to me, i'm going to use it to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, update already.
Angie said…
Ok.... update the website!
M. Jay Bennett said…
Dude! It's been more than a month! Where's the love?
Anonymous said…
This video is Tony (Senior Pastor) getting excited after his wife looks in ice chest only to find a snake when she expected diet coke.

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