He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
Easter is my favorite holiday, and I think one of the most underrated too. Christmas is great, but why doesn't the RISING of our Savior get more attention? Here's a few pics from Easter and around it. Sadie still looks like a baby I think...and Becks tells me he's "haaan-some" when I put him in a button down shirt...like on Easter!
Click here for more pics.
I'm thinking because Jesus has been eclipsed by bunnies and eggs, but that's just me.
What kind of camera do you have?
I remember liking Laura's camera and Jason and I are in the market for a good camera.
: )
Cute pics, by the way!
Shari (Tony's wife) took the good ones of Sadie and she has a super super fancy one. The one we have is a Fuji s5000, but it's about 3 years old. We've been happy with it though. I'd buy another Fuji.