He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

Easter is my favorite holiday, and I think one of the most underrated too. Christmas is great, but why doesn't the RISING of our Savior get more attention? Here's a few pics from Easter and around it. Sadie still looks like a baby I think...and Becks tells me he's "haaan-some" when I put him in a button down shirt...like on Easter!
Click here for more pics.
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GUNNY said…
" ... but why doesn't the RISING of our Savior get more attention?"

I'm thinking because Jesus has been eclipsed by bunnies and eggs, but that's just me.

This seems like a good post to ask this question...

What kind of camera do you have?

I remember liking Laura's camera and Jason and I are in the market for a good camera.
: )
Cute pics, by the way!
Anonymous said…
Shari (Tony's wife) took the good ones of Sadie and she has a super super fancy one. The one we have is a Fuji s5000, but it's about 3 years old. We've been happy with it though. I'd buy another Fuji.

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